Welcome to the East!


Our base is located in Bragdavellir- small, charming farm in the eastern fjords of Iceland, just 12km/10min driving from Djúpivogur. In addition to our services you will find here accomodation in cozy cottages and delicious, regional food in the family owned restaurant ( http://www.bragdavellir.is ).



Djúpivogur- tiny fishing village (population around 550) lying betwenn Berufjörður and Hamarsfjörður, at the end of Búlandsness peninsula. Village may seem small, but it has everything you need- shops, restaurants, campsite, hotel, museums, swimming pool and more!


Hamarsfjörður- right next to the Bragdavellir farm you will find our main kayaking area. Beautiful glacier-shaped fjord with many stories to tell. Home to reindeer, arctic foxes, many species of birds and fish. One of the sunniest places in Iceland and one of the windiest at the same time!


Berufjörður- very picturesque 20km long fjord. Filled with wildlife (seals, fish, jellyfish and even whales), neasting and feeding area for many species of birds - including puffins! From the southern coast of Berufjörður rises Búlandstindur- beautiful pyramid-shaped mountain.


Búlandstindur (1069m) - the highest Icelandic mountain rising straight from the sea. Considered as one of the most beautiful mountains, it's well known because of it's shape - piramid looks alike. Many people believe that Búlandstindur is one of the energy sources of Iceland.


Teigahorn- just 5km from Djúpivogur lies Teigahorn farm- Nature Preserve known as one of the most famous zeolites spots in the world. Belive us or not- It's also "the hottest" place in Iceland! In June 22nd 1939- in Teigahorn the highest temperature ever in Iceland was recorded- 30,5 degrees!